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29,179 members strong
as of 22-Oct-2024

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SKCC's Oceania QRS Saunter (OQS)

Rules | Reporting

The Oceania QRS Saunter aims to bring together operators at a slower CW pace, 12 WPM or less, with a specific focus on our members across the Pacific.

This is an informal non-contest operating event lasting 12 hours. It starts at 0000 UTC on the third Saturday of the month and ends at 1159 UTC. Please feel free to join in at any time during the 12 hour period.

Also be sure to submit your comments, greetings & station photo at the Reporting link above.

Because this event aims to include newcomers to CW as well as experienced brass-pounders, operating speed should be limited to 12 WPM and adjusted lower as needed to match new operators.

Event Dates for 2024

Saturday 20th January, 2024
Saturday 17th February, 2024
Saturday 16th March, 2024
Saturday 20th April, 2024
Saturday 18th May, 2024
Saturday 15th June, 2024
Saturday 20th July, 2024
Saturday 17th August, 2024
Saturday 21th September, 2024
Saturday 19th October, 2024
Saturday 16th November, 2024
Saturday 21th December, 2024

Please address any questions or ideas for improvement to the OQS Manager,


Here are the General Rules for the Oceania QRS Saunter.


The Oceania QRS Saunter is open to all licensed amateurs in all continental regions. As per Club policy, SKCC Members must use straight keys, sideswipers, or bugs, as described in the SKCC Key Policy. Non members may use electronic paddle keys and keyers but are encouraged to operate with any of the three traditional key types that SKCC members use.


Participants may operate on all HF bands subject to their licence conditions and / or restrictions, except for 60 meters. The following approximate frequencies are often used by SKCC members:

160M - 1.813.5 MHz
80M - 3.550 MHz
40M - 7.038 MHz
20M - 14.050 MHz
15M - 21.050 MHz
10M - 28.050 MHz
6M - 50.090 MHz


Feel free to use the SKCC SkedPage or other spotting aids to arrange contacts.


Participants should call "CQ SKCC" and/or "CQ QRS" while sending at 12 WPM or less. Or reply to such calls at comparable speed.

The minimum exchange must include RST, SPC, Operator Name, and SKCC Number (non-members send "NONE"). Example: 579 AUS GARRY 5460C.

SPC is your US State, Canadian Province, or other Country abbreviation. Australian stations send AUS; New Zealand is NZL; Japan is JPN, etc. See SPC codes here.

This is an informal operating event, so if you are not an SKCC member, please consider taking a moment to visit our home page and apply for a number. It's free! And if you are a member and have completed the required exchange, hang around and chat for a bit with non-members. It's good PR!

QSO Reporting

Please provide your QSO totals, optional comments and station photos by clicking on the "Report QSOs" link at the top of this page. The link will be active during the 72-hour submission window after each event. If you need to correct your entry or later add a photo or comments, simply resubmit the entire revised entry. If you are not an SKCC member, enter "NONE" where a membership number is requested.