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Founded, January 2006
29,179 members strong
as of 22-Oct-2024

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SKCC Library of Links

Morse Code History Information

Telegraph History - This site contains several articles that focus on U.S. Telegraph-History.

The Coast Guard CW Operators Association - The CGCWOA is a membership organization comprised primarily of former members of the United States Coast Guard who held the enlisted rating of Radioman or Telecommunications Specialist, and who used International Morse Code (CW) in their routine communications duties on Coast Guard cutters and at shore stations.

Telegraph, Scientific Instrument Radio Museums - These are no-frills museums designed for rapid and easy searching and downloading to facilitate research by serious collectors and historians but accessible to anyone who is interested in telegraph and scientific instruments.

Morse Telegraph Club - The Morse Telegraph Club is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the perpetuation of the knowledge and traditions of telegraphy.

Maritime Radio Historical Society - A collection of documents and photographs related to Maritime radio. Presents transcripts from the logs of ship-to-shore operator Jeffrey Herman, including the SOS call of the Panama Trader before she broke in two and sank with all hands on board.

The Telegraph Office - A tribute to Morse Telegraphy and Resource for Wire and Wireless Telegraphy.

Ham-related Search Utilities

Telegraph Keys

Morsemad - There are pages with info on morse code, pictures of morse keys, a couple of downloadable tutor programs, mystery keys etc. - by G0RDO.

Glass Arm - First published in 73 Magazine, this article provides tips, insights and exercises for adjusting the straight key and avoiding the dreaded telegraphers "glass arm".

Sparks Telegraph Key Review - Telegraph Keys possess both historical value as well as aesthetic appeal. As more keys find their way to collectors, fewer are available for the rest of us to see. This display and the links provided will hopefully allow all who wish to enjoy seeing them.

- Adding a telegraph key to your amateur radio station is easy enough--it's finding the right style and type of key that's the hardest. SKCC offers members an opportunity to borrow different types of keys to test drive before making a purchase. Browse our collection of available keys in the SKCC Key Library. Visit our forum for more details.

Learning & Practicing Morse Code

A Fully Automatic Morse Code Teaching Machine - First described in a May 1977 QST article of the same name, this program teaches you to receive Morse code. It starts with a few letters and adds more when it sees that you are ready. Available for many different computer platforms.

Just Learn Morse Code - Just Learn Morse Code is designed to make it easy to learn Morse code, as well as improve the skills of those who already know the code.

Morse Runner - This contest simulator by VE3NEA will help you get up to speed on working CW contests.

The Koch Method for Learning Morse Code - This is the G4FON Morse Trainer that will help you learn code at the speed you wish to copy at.

AC6V's Morse Code Trainers - Looking for a program/method for learning the code or improving your sending/copy? If you can't find what you're looking for here, you won't find it anywhere!

W1AW's Practice Code Files - Missed the live broadcast? No problem. Download these files and enjoy some W1AW code practice (from 5 to 40 WPM).

AA9PW's Morse Code Practice Page - This page will generate morse code consisting of groups of random characters and there are 25 characters per group (5 sets of 5 characters). You can pick which group of characters you wish to be tested on: the alphabet, the numbers or punctuation (including pro-signs) or all three.

Learn CW Using the Koch Method - Using a code training method devised by the German psychologist Ludwig Koch some 60 years ago, you will progress as quickly as you possibly can, with ample reinforcement and little frustration.

Practice Files and CW Software

RufzXP - RufzXP is an excellent training software for improving code speed and CW practice, particularly (ultra) high speed memory copying of true amateur radio calls. You can download the software here.

HamCap 1.5 - An essential piece of software for your shack. This software calculates and displays real-time propagation predictions based on your location. The software is easy to use and has a nice map presentation.

G4ILO's Shack - Lot's of great topics, articles and reviews about ham radio including a great Morse code generator.

Operator and Technical Aids

QsoNet Virtual Ionosphere for Amateur Radio - QsoNet uses the internet to receive audio signals from a ham radio transmitting station, then instantly reflects the audio back to all stations listening on that frequency. There is no RF. Everything is done over the internet. The result is a simulated ionosphere for worldwide amateur radio communication. Stations can use either voice or CW modulation.

QTH Locator With Google Maps - Can't find your exact grid designation? No problem! This utility, provided by The DXZone, will help you pin-point your exact grid square designation--right down to your house. First, find your state then drill down until you find your exact location on the map. Click on it and your grid designation will appear. Drill down far enough and Google maps may even show your house! Very nice utility!

How To Zero Beat A Modern Transceiver - Making sure you are zero-beat to the station you're trying to reach is the first step in good CW practice. This page includes both written and a media demonstration of the steps necessary for zero-beating your radio to a contact's frequency.

How To Adjust Your Vibroplex - Not sure what all those thumb-screws do on your bug? Not to worry! Vibroplex has a very nice document that will walk you through how to adjust your key for optimum performance.

Logging Programs - AC6V's collection of nearly 50 different logging programs. Contest, DX, shortwave, contact logging and more for DOS and Windows.

Adjusting Straight Keys, Paddles, & Bugs - These instructions use simple, generally familiar examples of equipment types and are designed to help you find the adjustment that suits you best. By N1FN.

Iambic Keying, Debunking the Myth - Everything you wanted to know about iambic keying techniques but were afraid to ask (in PDF format).

Iambic Sending - Chuck Adams', K5FO, proven techniques for learning/improving the use of your iambic key (in PDF format).

CW Operating Aids - From AC6V this page lists all the prosigns, abbreviations and symbols used in CW communication. Nice collection of CW related info.

Common CW Abbreviations - This page lists the most common CW abbreviations and a whole lot more!

How Far Is It? - This service uses data from the US Census and a supplementary list of cities around the world to find the latitude and longitude of two places, and then calculates the distance between them (as the crow flies). It also provides a map showing the two places, using the Xerox PARC Map Server.

Propagation Information - This page contains a dynamic collection of propagation information gathered from many different sources. This data is extremely useful for ham radio operators and shortwave listeners.

Worldwide Tropospheric Ducting Forecasts - For those who enjoy working cw on 2m, 70cm, and above, these frequently updated maps are an indispensable resource.

Solar Activity and HF Propagation - Hosted by Kansas State University this site provides links to current HFpropagation info from a wide variety of sources.

Propagation - Everything you ever wanted to know about propagation but were afraid to ask are offered on the ARRL propagation info page.

SpotCollector - Besides identifying immediately-needed stations, SpotCollector can reveal a DX-station's operating patterns, increasing your ability to be at the right frequency at the right time.

Other CW Clubs & Miscellaneous

NAQCC North American QRP CW Club - Extreme fun for the QRP enthusiasts. Free Membership!

FISTS - Accuracy Transcends Speed.

SIDESWIPER NET - SSN - A group of Radio Amateurs using Morse code have established several informal radio nets to promote the use of the sideswiper, so called "cootie" key. All sideswiper users are warmly invited to take part in our nets. - Looking for SKCC merchandise? Get your K2A coffee mugs here. - Looking for QSL cards? Large selection and many options here. - Another source for QSL cards, this site creates the card on-line and converts it to a PDF file you save locally for printing your own.

UX5UO Print World of QSLs - Still another source for quality QSL cards. - Streaming video from WA5KUB as he travels the country checking out the most popular ham fests.

The long Island CW Club - W2LCW - Mission: To promote the continued use of CW as a viable and enjoyable form of Amateur Radio Communication

Reciprocal Links

We're collecting links to other web sites that link to SKCC. As we become aware of others we'll list them here.

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