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Founded, January 2006
29,642 members strong
as of 12-Feb-2025

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How to Contact An Elmer

Many members of the SKCC group volunteer as CW Elmers. It doesn't matter whether you are a new ham just getting interested in Morse or a seasoned veteran looking to explore the world of radio telegraph keying and operation more deeply. As a group, the members listed below bring hundreds of years telegraph experience.

To request help, send an email to one of these members with "Elmer Request" in the subject line. Be sure to tell your Elmer something about yourself: how long you've been a ham; the kind of equipment you have; type of key; any special problems or difficulties you're having learning and using Morse, etc. They, in turn, will contact you with details about how and where to meet on the air for your first session. Afterwards you and your Elmer will agree on a regular schedule and frequency to meet on.

If, after a while, you decide you've gone as far as you care to, or are ready to head off on your own, simply send a thank-you message to your Elmer. It's that easy!

If you would like to be a SKCC Elmer, contact the SKCC Elmer Manager at

SKCC Elmer list

The list is organized by call region for the US and Canada, and by country for DX Elmers. Use the index below to jump to your call region. If your region has no Elmer listed, hunt through the adjacent call areas for alternates. Note: The numeral in a US call may not match the region number if the licensee moved and opted to keep his or her old call.

Call-Region Index

USA Areas:   0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9


Region 0

David, W0YZZ - MO -
I was first licensed as WN0YZZ in December 1954. I enjoyed CW, but had problems with it. So in 1955 to keep my call I took and passed my Technician license exam. I spent the next 13 years with success on 50 and 220 MHz AM. Upon moving back to St. Joseph, MO, a Channel 2 town, I had TVI problems. So I bit the bullet and worked on CW. To my surprise it was easier than I thought. I passed the General Class license test and later the Extra. I operate about 85 percent CW and love it. I never became a super-fast CW operator. I enjoy a good QSO at 15 to 18 wpm, but I can go as slow as you want. I work 160 meters through 3/4 meters. I'm retired, so time is no problem. If I can be of any help with CW let me know.

Wayne, NQ0RP - OK -
I can be available most weekday evenings on most bands except 160. Just drop me an email and I'll try my best to be there. Failing that, call in to the 4SQRP Group's Wednesday evening nets and we'll be happy to welcome you aboard. These nets are designed to be at "comfortable" speeds. I'm NCS for the 40m net at 19:30 Central (00:30z) and 20:30 Central (01:30z) on or around 7.122. God Bless to all, de Wayne

Bill, W0EJ - SD -
I am Bill Nixon W0EJ SKCC #10440S and since I am retired, I can be available weekdays and evenings for class, just drop me an email and we can work out a schedule. My background is available on and twice a year I am an active Advisor in CWops CW Academy Level 1 classes. We meet via SKYPE where we discuss issues you may be struggling with, practice copying, head copy, sending and work our way into practice QSOs and getting on the air. Since we use SKYPE for meetings, your geographical location is not an issue. If you are interested in learning Morse or increasing your proficiency, I'll be glad to help if you are willing to put in the time. There is no magic wand for learning Morse or increasing your proficiency but we do have some very successful techniques to assist you


Region 1

Ethan, KB1WMR - MA -
I haven't been a ham for 40 years like the better half of all the other Elmers (or even hams in general), but I know a great deal about ham radio. I just recently got the General ticket, so I have access to 80, 40, 30, 20, and 15 meters. I can send up to 13 wpm, and I will send down to 1 wpm if needed. My schedule is flexible, however I prefer 7:30 p.m. Eastern time or later due to band conditions and school. We will set aside about 30 minute sessions a few days a week until you want to stop and decide you're ready to take on the bands by yourself. Thanks, and I hope to have a QSO with you!


Region 2

Ed, W2LCQ - NY -
I have been licensed since 1961 and operate almost exclusively CW. I enjoy contesting, rag chewing and working DX. I am a member of CWops, Bug Users Group, SKCC, FISTS, LICWC and the Frankford Radio Club. I operate at speeds up to 35 wpm and emphasize proper keying technique and the quality of character formation. I use bugs and straight keys for rag chewing and a paddle for contests. I'll work with you at the speed at which you are most comfortable however you must be willing to progress to higher speeds. Contact me via email to set up a sked. I'm available days and nights.

Larry, W2LJ - NJ -
Anyone wanting to learn or enhance their Morse skills is more than welcome to send me an e-mail. I'm good at any speed between 5 and 25 wpm. I have capability on all bands, 80 through 10 meters. My operating is limited to the evenings though, usually after 8:00 PM Eastern.

Matt, KB2WGQ - NY -
I'm a General class operator. However, I passed the 20wpm test for Extra years ago. I can send/recieve up to about 25wpm, but any speed is fine with me. Also I was a Navy Radioman, (68-74) and did mostly code. My name is Matt. My sked would depend on the person requesting a contact. All times are fine.

Jim, N2ZUT - NY -
Coast Guard Radio Operator in the 60's where 90% of comms with military and commercial shipping was with cw. Spent last year of enlistment as an instructor at Coast Guard Radio School. Coast Guard Radio Operators have informal operating signal: ZUT which means “CW 4ever.” Earned Technician License in September 2020 and studying for General License and looking forward to working with anyone who might need help.


Region 3

Dan, W3DF - MD -
I am a retired electrical engineer and ex-Navy CTR. I am available most days of the week for CW practice. I can do 80M to 6M (and 160M from November through March). I got interested in radio in the early 1960s but did not get my novice ticket until 1968. I unsuccessfully attempted to learn morse code several times on my own without an Elmer. It wasn't until I got into college and met people who knew CW and showed me the correct way to learn morse, that I was able to master the code. Learning morse code takes perseverance and regular practice. Drop me an email (good on if you would like my help.

Larry, AH6AX - MD -
I'm available to help with your Morse-code practice most days - just send me an email or use the sked page to arrange a sked. I primarily use Cooties now, due to arthritic wrists but can also work straight keys. I can help with practice at speeds up to 18-20 wpm. When sending at slower speeds, I prefer to still send the individual CHARACTERS at approx 18-20 wpm speed and increase character SPACING between the letters for the speed which you are working. This method, I believe, is the best way to get beyond the dot/dash counting. When you can hear the entire character 'sound' you develop “ muscle memory “ to copy the code) you are well on your way to increasing your copy ability. Whether you use a 'stick' or a mill (i.e. typewriter or computer screen & keyboard) is up to you.

Sam, KB3DNZ - PA -
While there are lots of great programs for learning Morse code, nothing beats getting on the air! Straining to hear a faint signal through snaps, pops and static crashes -- and actually getting the message -- can be a real thrill! I'm happy to work with any operator wanting to develop proficient "in the head" copy of the code. I copy 1-35 wpm. Look for me on the SKCC Elmer frequency 7.114 by sending "CQ SKCC ELMER?" and your call. Or send me an email and we'll work out a frequency and schedule. I'll be listening for you!

Dan, W3DF - MD -
I am a retired electrical engineer and ex-Navy CTR. I am available most days of the week for CW practice. I can do 80M to 6M (and 160M from November through March). I got interested in radio in the early 1960s but did not get my novice ticket until 1968. I unsuccessfully attempted to learn morse code several times on my own without an Elmer. It wasn't until I got into college and met people who knew CW and showed me the correct way to learn morse, that I was able to master the code. Learning morse code takes perseverance and regular practice. Drop me an email (good on if you would like my help.


Region 4

Bill, WA4FAT - AL -
I've always been an evangelist for our wonderful hobby. I first taught code back in grade school, started a radio club in Junior High, and was a CW instructor in the Navy and then for many years with the local Birmingham Amateur Radio Club. Now I find myself rekindling the joy of CW after a bit of a hiatus from the air, I'm thoroughly enjoying the SKCC camaraderie, and I would be more than happy to give back in any way I can with the SKCC Elmer program. So if anyone should need an encouraging word, a sympathetic ear, or on-air practice, it would be my pleasure to help.

Frank, KB4T - FL - kb4t@arrl.netbr> I use straight keys and bugs. I prefer higher-speed operation, so if there are folks who want to practice at higher speeds (eg. 20 wpm.) I'll be glad to work with them. I'm generally available evenings and weekends, plus or minus work. I have Skype (kb4t-fl), which is quite helpful. I can operate on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, and 15 meters. I recommend the G4FON software which uses the Koch method. I have found the program to be very helpful.

Don, W4BWS - FL -
I was licensed in 1955 as KN8AZW. Progressed to K8AZW, General, about 6 months later. Advanced in 1958 and Extra in 2008. Was not a big DXer so no real advantage to Advanced for me.
Studied Electrical engineering at Ohio University and Electronics at Valparaiso Tech Inst. In Indiana. Colleges in 1959 did not teach much electronics. Former callsign - W9FFF from 1960 to 1962 while in Valparaiso, Indiana.
Employed 1960 at TRW Michigan City, Ind. as bench Tech working on TV cameras for NASA sites. Established incoming inspection stations for active electronic parts.
Graduated and employed March 1962 with RCA at Kennedy Space Center.
Transferred to Harris Corp, Melbourne, FL. in June1962. Worked with the Rf Systems Group Engineering( antennas and RF circuits), then Quality Engineering( Contract Assurance, Secure Inspection teams Supervisor, Components Engineering and Vendor Surveillance) and finally Asst Manager Manufacturing in the Printed Circuits Department.
Owned antenna company Skylane Products, Cubical Quads and other antenna designs and manufacturing, until February 1986.
Retired from Harris in February 1986 after the Shuttle Disaster in January 1986. Returned to college and became Doctor in June 1990. Was ordained as Pastor in 1996.
Semi-retired again in 2009 and moved to Ecuador. There had small clinic with natural healing procedures. Moved back to US in May 2016 after the 7.8 earthquake destroyed my home and clinic. I was HC4/W4BWS near Manta. Ecuador.

Bill, W3SI - FL -
Hello, I am Bill W3SI SKCC#22628, I have been a ham radio operator since 1976. I learned Morse Code to get my Novice ticket (and all other tickets). I was lucky enough to have an Elmer to assist me to get on the air and we practiced each evening. It helped me so much. In those days it was written charts, cassette tapes, 33 rpm records or live on-air contacts. Today there is such a great number of Morse Tutors to use but nothing beats a live person to listen to you and to listen to. Someone to encourage you to go forward. It is my desire to be a SKCC Elmer to help you. I am retired with too much time on my hands, have antennas for 40-10m , and can send 18 WPM but prefer 13 WPM for long chats. It would be my pleasure to be your Elmer.
Bill - W3SI

Ron, W8RDG - MI -
I am a retired Senior Chief EM from the USCG living on the West Coast of Michigan running 100 Watts in the Spring through the Holidays and a snowbird in the winter months running QRP from Florida. I have been a ham since the early 1980s. I enjoy CW because it is a challenge a fun way of communication. I look forward to helping anyone I can.
Ron Grew W8RDG
Manistee, Mi (Summer - Fall)
Venice, FL (Winter)

Dave, W1DV - NC -
First licensed 1959 and active since that date without any QRT periods (from 11 states / five countries / four continents, 24 separate QTHs!!). CW only - have a mic but not sure I can find it. I'm a rag chewer and have special passion for working with newbies, "re-treads", and anyone desiring to improve code speed. Am retired so available at your convenience. Any time, any QRG - you call it! Let's pound brass together - soon, often, and at your speed.

Tom, WY3H - TN -
I've been ham more than 25 years. Operate mostly QRP CW, HF and 6 meters. Used straight key almost exclusively for past 5 years and for the majority of time as a ham operator. SKCC Nr. 629; FISTS 11228; Flying Pigs 922; and president and co-founder of the North American QRP CW Club. I am happy to be a part of any organization that is dedicated to fostering and preserving CW and hope all organizations can eventually work together to advance our common goal -- preserving CW. I am most happy for the privilege of helping others hone their CW Skills as I hone my own.

Cathy, W4CMG - TN -
I'm an Extra Class ham who buried the microphone under my rig two years ago, after my Elmer challenged me to get more Weekend Sprintathon "Reindeer" QSOs than he did, and then just kept continuing to stretch my CW goals. I am also a member of Long Island CW Club, and teach the "Reaching Your CW Goals Class" as I give back to the class members the encouragement that my Elmer gave me when I was starting out. I operate CW only now, and get my "daily CW Vitamin" - at least a QSO a day, or 5 the next to make up for it. I am a retired "night-owl", which means we can extend our time into the later hours when the bands aren't quite so crowded, and take our time to help you go from finger-fright to a relaxed long QSO. You just won't find me in the morning :) I use a Horizontal straight key for my SKCC contacts, which keeps my pace comfortable for those just starting out. Outside of SKCC, I switch to my Kent twin paddles or Vibroplex single lever paddle for contests, QRP foxhunts and other special events. I am also a member of CWops, FISTS, NAQCC, and the Tennessee Contest Group, so I can help you in your journey from 5 to 25 WPM, all bands. I like to get to know your goals so we will spend some on- and off-the-air time to work through some strategies to help you get you toward your CW Goals. Email me and we'll get started!
Many thanks and 73,
Cathy, W4CMG
SKCC 20093S

Pete, WM4Q - TN -
I became interested in amateur radio back in the winter of 1984-85 with my carpool. We were all CB operators and shared an interest in two way radio and Amateur radio seemed the next step. We met an Amateur radio operator on the CB and he began to tell us what we were missing. The carpool quickly went from listening to news radio to morse code both ways on our daily commute. I got my ham license in early 1986 and continued to operate on the air. I could ONLY use CW; I had a patient elmer who was a General class license. I would visit his shack and listen to him on air both SSB and CW. He encouraged me to get my General class so I could use SSB. I did as he encouraged and once I got the privileges for SSB the code went to the back burner. This was summer of 87. Fast forward to FCC removing the requirement for morse code to get a license. I wanted to become an Extra Class 20 wpm operator and got busy back on the air with CW. I took the code test 3 times before getting it. The last time I took it I copied it all in my head and filled out the fill in the blank test. GOT IT!!!!

I would like to help you get going on the air with code. I am a member of SKCC and LICW but can be found mostly on SKCC Sked Page. I have seen several email comments from folks getting started saying that the speeds on air are TOO fast for them. I remember when I started and how frustrating it was to hear folks that are faster than me, “What are they saying, I used to say to myself. Time passed and now only the very fast folks get me saying that. You can get there with help on air. Send me an email or better yet hit me up on the SKED Page and lets find a spot to get together.
WM4Q / Pete / TN


Region 5

Bruce, K5TEN - AR -
I've been a ham since 1981. I was a dedicated Novice until 1985 and love CW, especially on 40 meters. I specialize in helping those who may be hesitant about using CW because of their slow speed. Slow is just fine! I'll help you get some confidence (and some speed!) in no time. I am very much an "old school" CW operator with emphasis on proper pro-signs, procedure, and how to work break-in. I have always been one to leave a tad more in spacing, making it even easier to copy. I can also help you graduate to "ditching the pencil" and start copying in your head. I have a full-sized elevated ground plane 43' vertical on a mountainside and routinely work both coasts during the day as well as at night on 40 meters. Simply email me and we'll work out a sked based on your location, license class, and propagation that is convenient for us both. I mainly have late afternoons and evenings free.

Sam, N5QAB - AR -
I have been a CW operator since 1956, with a few years off for work. I am available most days on the HF bands and willing to work with hams who want to improve their CW efficiency. I was a radioman in the Navy in the early 1960s and believe strongly in learning to space letters and words properly for good copy. I am interested in helping others as a SKCC Morse Elmer.

Dana, AD5VC - LA -
I got my license in November 2005, after hurricane Katrina. I saw all the good work the hams did there and decided to fulfill a teenage aspiration by getting a license. Being new at this means I am very aware of the on-air nervousness that accompanies your first few tries at CW. Therefore, I particularly like to help new ops get over that hump. I also know that it is hard to spend 5 minutes trying to decode a callsign sent at 18+ wpm and then call them and ask for QRS. The faster ops don't always understand that, even if they are more than willing to slow down. I learned Morse code using computer software, specifically the G4FON trainer. The Koch method with characters at 15+ wpm, but with 5-7 wpm spacing worked for me. You learn one letter, then two, and so on. Humans have innate language skill, and that is what you are using to learn. Educational level is irrelevant. Even now, I continue to practice by either going on the air and trying to copy QSOs, or listen to training software. I send with a straight key, and I strive to send the cleanest, well spaced, code I can.

Bill, K5WG - OK -
I have been a ham since 1976 and operate almost exclusively on CW. I am available for CW schedules on any amateur band from 160 through 10 meters. I will be glad to operate at whatever speed you request. I have taught several people the Morse code over the years. BTW, I am a retired college professor. I enjoy working with people who want to learn.

Sam, K5SW - OK -
My Novice experience began in the fall of '51. An announcement over the high school's PA system said the HS Biology teacher Dale Reins W5VJU would conduct code/theory classes in the evening for those interested. I opted for it-learned my code, studied theory as well as building my 1st XMTR,a 6L6 Xtal Osc.(I still have & use that rig, since rebuilt to better chassis on 40 mtrs today).

The nearest exam point was in Tulsa, 60 miles away. I rode the MKT railroad passenger train to Tulsa, walked the 1/2 mile to the basement of the Post Office.

In May of '52 my ticket arrived (Wn5WAX). Locally I found a WW2 surplus BC-342-N receiver. I had one XTAL (3.728) & put up a dipole fed w/72 ohm "twin-lead". Not knowing better I cut the dipole for 40 mtrs & had no more room to make longer I built up a antenna tuner with a "one turn link & bulb" to see my power out. The power supply for the 6L6 rig XFMR came from a 1938 Philco Table model radio (orig. xfmr is still in use). My key was a McElroy Teardrop.

I was a Junior in HS at that time. I would take a nap some evenings & get back up around mid-night & work 'til 2AM, back to bed, & off to school later. On 3.728 in the Novice "Snake-Pit" I worked 33 states from Oklahoma as a Novice.

I consider my Novice experience one of my "Greatest Enjoyment Periods" of my 61 years in Ham Radio. BTW, my Elmer KC5TL ex W5VJU is still alive. One other note-I'm a 2nd generation Ham-Uncle was W5ALI '31-'74. It was in '46 right after hams could get back on air that he quickly built up a ten meter AM rig that I talked to another 11 yr old NJ hams son that I was "hooked on Ham Radio", but lay dormant until the fall '51 announcement on HS PA system.

Wn5WAX--then W5WAX--now K5SW, however I picked back up my W5WAX call in '98 my xyl & I formed a club & I got W5WAX back for it. When using vintage gear I use W5WAX. Lots of vintage still in use here, along with many keys.

I have and use some old tube gear-(1) Drake 2-NT, Drake R4-A with Mc Elroy Key(2) Heath HW-16 and HG-10 VFO with a Vibroplex Bug.(3) 6L6 Xtal Osc. at 7 wts. with the Drake R4-A Rcvr with an old Navy WW2 Key.

Bob, WA5VSK - TX -
I have been a ham for more than 40 years and operate mostly CW. I hold an Extra Class license and have 80-10-meter capability. I will work with anyone at any speed up to 25 wpm. I am good for speeds above 25 wpm, but if one can copy and send correctly at 15-20 wpm there are many avenues available for practice at faster speeds. Let me know if I can help.

Louis, AG5XU - TX -
Have been a ham since 1971. CW is a great way to communicate.
It takes some practice to both send and receive while having fun at the same time. Speed is not as important as proper code that others can understand. Fluent in English and Portuguese QSO's and operated as a CW only ham in Brazil. Will be available for CW schedules mostly at evenings or nights. I can send via manual keyer anywhere from 5 to 15wpm emphasizing correct timing and using standard code abbreviations that facilitate the process.
Just drop me an email to work out a schedule


Region 6/KH6

David, WD6AJR - CA -
First licensed in 1977 as a novice. Spent as much time on CW as I could. For the next many years I moved around a lot and got married with family stuff so, I wasn't on the air much.
Well, fast forward and I am now an Extra Class with a love for CW although I still don't receive very fast. So, I am very comfortable operating with the newbies at QRS speeds and would love help them at speeds that they are comfortable with.
I am able to operate all bands 160 and up at QRP to 100 W.

Rick, N6IET - CA -
My SKCC number is 13569, and I've been an avid CW operator since I got my Novice license in 1960 as KN5FMF.

I enjoy using a straight key (10-14 wpm), a bug (15-19 wpm), and iambic paddles with a keyer (20-25 wpm). Check out my bio for more detailed information about my amateur radio history and interests, including some hints about sending good code and learning head copy.

I get on 80-meter CW from my apartment building near UCLA almost every morning between 5am and 7am somewhere between 3538 and 3558 kHz and sometimes on 40 meters, as well, between 7042 and 7056 kHz. Use the following RBN (reverse beacon network) link to see when and where I last called CQ.

I can also make skeds with new CW operators certain evenings or middays on various bands, but mornings on 80 or 40 meters are best for me, 7 days a week.

Rick, N6IET

Vic, WA7A - CA -
My call is WA7A and SKCC is 6910. Got my novice license in 1959 and received the Extra Class sometime in the 60's. I've been retired for about 20 years. I have contacted many slow CW operators and don't mind getting down to their speed. I recently returned to my first love of CW on 40 meters. However my station is capable of all bands except 160 meters.
As I've been getting older, my speed has diminished to about 15WPM so I like pounding brass even at much lower speeds. If I can lend myself as a volunteer Elmer, please let me know.
73's, Vic

Peter, KO6R - CA -
I have been hanging out on and around 7.112 MHz and having the time of my life. I've rediscovered the joys of my Novice days, and if I can help someone else to discover all that, I'd be very pleased. A guy I worked during one Novice QSO said that what we were doing was "finger dancing" -- great concept. It's so much more than just talking. It's the mutual enjoyment of someone's fist, their love of "true radio," and more. May I have this dance?


Region 7/KL7, WL7

Bob, WL7WH - AK -
I am available most any time (retired), and can usually meet anyone's time frame. Band conditions now will make some contacts difficult, but hopefully if you are located on the West Coast there will be no problems.

Dave, N6XJP/7 - AZ -
I have been a ham since 1989. Went from Novice to Extra in about 16 months starting in 1989. I love Code. Enjoyed learning it. Enjoy practicing it. Love doing it on the air. My shack is north of Tucson in Oro Valley at about 2800 feet. I can send on 10 through 40 meters, Including 30, 17, and 12. I hang out on the SKCC freqs and favor 7.100-7.120 as well as 14.100-14.120 and 10.100-10.125. My antenna supports mainly NVIS and ground propagation due the stealth nature of the mounting in an HOA. Probably good for 100-300 miles routinely, but have been hitting 500-1200 miles recently on 30 meters. Active QRP, but can send 100 watts if necessary. Sending and receiving 15-20 wpm, but would love to do 3-8 wpm to help bring someone along if necessary. Retired now, best times are 0900-1500 local, but I can adjust to anyone's schedule.
73, Dave

Tom, W0AUR - AZ -
I am a 100% Combat wounded Veteran and would love to work with new and returning operator's especially slow speed. I do have a certificate for 45 WPM though.
Mostly operate Tube gear including my old Novice rig (2 Tube regen and 6AG7 to 6L6 on 80/40 XTAL controled). I do own an FT-897D. Landline (928) 536-5543
Thomas Meyer Jr.
PO Box 633 Taylor, AZ

Charles, KB8BFM - MT -
Back in December 1986 I past my Novice exam with a score of 100 percent. I had the highest score in a novice class a local ham club was holding. I have been a CW freak ever since I made my first contact. Over the years I have help others learn CW If anyone wanting to have a QSO on the air please email me.

Andy, N7TP - NV -
If someone's trying to get up to 5, 10, or 15 wpm then I can help. Anyone wanting to get to 30 or 40 wpm? Well, I'm not the guy. If someone needs some advice on how to operate, I can do that too.

Russ, WD7JS - WA -
I was first licensed 54 years ago in 1959 and have been active ever since. My favorite mode is CW and I am comfortable with speeds from 5 to 65 WPM. My first Elmer was not a CW operator but he had knowledge to pass on to us "newbies". I believe I have knowledge to pass on to assist others in CW or basic amateur radio operating procedures. Retired Washington State Patrol Sergeant, no family left so I have time to spend in helping others. 73, Russ, WD7JS

Dale, WB7DJ - WY -
I've been a ham for 37 years and still enjoy the straight key. I can run up to 15 wpm, but prefer 10-12. I believe in quality over quantity. I use the Farnsworth method. I can operate anywhere except the Extra-class sub-bands and 160 meters. I've been retired for 12 years, so I can make almost any sked. I like to help the new CW ops. 73, Dale, WB7DJ, SKCC 387T


Region 8

Ed, W8EO - MI -
I am currently leading a cw interest group for the Jupiter Tequesta ARC with 8 on the roster. I'm an extra class and have been licensed since 1954. My friend and I took the Novice code test at the FCC in 1953 and flunked 5 wpm but we prevailed. I have been active with the Michigan State University ARC since 1999. My approach to learning cw doesn't emphasize speed but rather getting a new cw op on the air, making qsos and using SKCC to achieve this goal.

Ted, K8AQM - MI -
I have been an amateur radio operator for 59 years, since I was 13. My love of the hobby has sent me around the world as a DXpeditioner with 99% of my operation as a cw enthusiast. I had a lot of help through the years and it's time for me to pay it forward. I enjoy using a straight key, a bug and in the last two years a cootie.
I am available most days between 9 am and 3 pm and then after 7 pm. I can do any band when propagation suits.

John, K8JD - MI -
I live in the Detroit metro area and have a flexible schedule. I have been an active CW Ham since 1961 and use straight keys, bugs and electronic keyers. I have taught classes to prospective hams in clubs and public-school adult-education settings, including Morse training. I have a station capable of giving on-the-air Morse training to local hams as well as distant ones. 73, John, K8JD

Ron, W8RDG - MI -
I am a retired Senior Chief EM from the USCG living on the West Coast of Michigan running 100 Watts in the Spring through the Holidays and a snowbird in the winter months running QRP from Florida. I have been a ham since the early 1980s. I enjoy CW because it is a challenge a fun way of communication. I look forward to helping anyone I can.
Ron Grew W8RDG
Manistee, Mi (Summer - Fall)
Venice, FL (Winter)

Andy, K2OO - OH -
I have been a CW op for over 40 years and would love to join your Elmer brigade. I am retired, so I can help at almost any hour of the day.

Tom, K9DAC - OH -
Tom was born in Neenah, WI, in 1942 and became interested in listening to shortwave stations at a very young age. By the time he was 14, he received his first amateur-radio license (KN9DAC), thanks to a local ham that started taking him to monthly ham club meetings.

Tom has held several calls throughout his movement around the U.S. Besides his current call, he has also held the following: K7TBB, AA7TBB, KD9KR, WD9ARL, and KD8PBV.

Tom is retired from the broadband cable industry, where he held executive level positions in general management and technical operations. He retired at the end of 2010 after 46 years in the industry. He received his MBA in 1998 from Xavier University in Cincinnati.

Tom is an avid CW operator and a member of the A-1 Operators Club from years gone by. He also operated CW traffic nets years ago, where he was net control station for several nets and received a nice quantity of "Brass Pounder League" awards for handling a large amount of CW traffic.

He is able to operate at very QRS speeds as well as high speed up to 40+ wpm. Tom enjoys SKCC and wants others ops to enjoy the wonderful world of cw. He currently lives in Dayton, OH with his wife, Mary. They have 7 children and 19 grandchildren.


Region 9

Ernie, K9QAG - IL -
My name is Ernie Brown ... I am known as "Brownie" on the air. I am located in Franklin Park, Illinois ... just west of Chicago.

I was originally licensed in September of 1957. Over the years I spent a lot of time on Morse code and think it is one of the better modes. Today, it is my primary source of communication.

Equipment wise, I never had a rig that ran over 100 watts or an antenna that exceeded an ordinary dipole or vertical. Yet, I have a collection of international QSLs that cover the world. It is because of operating CW that allowed me to reach out with such modest equipment.

Today, I operate an ICOM 718 and a YASEU FT-840 fed into a ground mounted vertical. Even under the rough Sun Spot Cycles I still manage to get through the mess and enjoy my CW QSOs.

I operate mainly 40 meters through 17 meters, but can go on any frequency up to 6 meters. I can work any speed comfortably up to 20 wpm, but speed does not bother me. Accuracy is the important thing.

If I can be any help send me an e-mail and we can set up a time and frequency to practice cw.

Richard, W9RAC - IN -
I would like to introduce myself, Richard, W9RAC. I have been an amateur operator for 35 years. I am active on 17/20/40/60/75/160 bands. I do not have VHF or UHF capabilities, but do cover most of HF. I am retired for the last 13 years and am 71 years of age. If you have an interest in learning CW or a practice schedule, drop me a line. I am active daily on CW, focusing on accurate quality sounding CW. My practice range can include 5 to 20 WPM. We can QSO daily if you desire, which is the best way to improve your CW, I am flexible on timing. I have a straight key, bug or if necessary, paddle. Being in an area closer to mine is an advantage for consistent practice, and on hands help, if necessary, we can SSB QSO for tips regarding your practice as well. I hope to hear you soon!
73, Rich
W9RAC, SKCC 16182

Dan, W9DLN - WI -
My name is Dan Nyman and I live in Crivitz, WI. I have been a ham since 1977 when first licensed as WD8JTQ. I spent many years as a novice with a HW-16 and one crystal for 7122 kHz. Around 1986 I upgraded to General and then soon to Extra when I became NT9B. By this time I had finally broke down and bought a rig with a VFO. In 2004 I became W9DLN.

I had two mentors help me in my ham career. One was Chuck, WD8KCH. I made my first reluctant QSO on his rig under his encouragement. My other mentor was Harry, W9CNV. Harry would work all over the world with 100W and an inverted vee antenna. Both guys really sold me on the advantages and fun of CW.

Chuck showed me how to send code with one hand and copy with pencil with the other hand. I never did get the hang of that. That was way before computer logging software. I can now send with one hand and type with the other. I think he would be proud. Harry once told me that when you use CW you never run out of things to say even if you use prosigns and abbreviations. I still believe that.

Upon reaching the SKCC's Senator level I have decided to slow down and smell the roses. Becoming an Elmer should be just the ticket. I would like to share my experience with others to help them become better CW operators. I can work any speed up to about 20 WPM with my straight key. If you use a bug we can go faster. I am available most evenings and weekends. I'm not retired and still have a day job. If I can be on any help send me an email or call me at (715) 854-3690.

Jack, KK0I - WI -
I am a "renewed" amateur since returning in 2006 and am enjoying CW even more this "second time around." You can generally find me operating in the mornings between 5:30 until around 7:30 a.m. Central time getting my CW "fix." During the winter months especially, I'll hang around the 3.550 to 3.560 area on 80 meters or the 7.050 to 7.060 on 40 meters.

You'll also find me hanging around the old Novice portion of the 40 meter band (7.100 - 7.125 MHz) looking for those new and "renewed" CW operators. Fun is the name of the game. It's not about the speed. Accuracy is what it is about...speed will always follow.

If you'd like to give it a try, I've certainly got the patience and I'm willing to push you if you want. But you have to let me know, otherwise I'll match your speed. Let's have fun pounding brass together. I like to use a Cootie key as my main “go-to”, then a bug or a straight key. I generally have all three at the ready to use. Send me an email and let's see what we can do. I'll be there.



Simon, VK2FK -AUS -
I was first licenced as a Novice (vk2nhu) in 1976 and Full Call (vk2ads - 12wpm) in 1977.

I was fascinated by CW and conducted the Tuesday night Slow Morse session on 3550 for the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA). I also conducted free CW classes in my home town of Gunnedah for those studying for their licence.

We sold our wheat farm in 1980 and I dropped out of Ham Radio until 2016, when I renewed my license, changing to VK2FK in 2017.

I enjoy helping others, especially those who are nervous about getting on the air with CW.

I am a member of SKCC #19444 and Fists Down Under #15233

If you feel that I could be of assistance as an Elmer, I would love to do so.

73 de
Simon VK2FK
SKCC #19444
FDU #15233

Ron, VK4JE - AUS -
I have been licensed for 35 Years,after avoiding Morse Code for many years recently I decided to make 2022 the year that I master Morse code at a Solid 10 -15 wpm. During my journey I have struggled to find an Elmer to help an encourage me along the way. Offers of assistance dried up, monthly on air sessions are of little use as they are too in-frequent. It is my view that when an Elmer is approached the Elmer should establish the end goal that the Amateur Radio Operator wishes to achieve and both the Elmer and the Amateur Radio Operator agree a strategy to reach the expected end goal. My Amateur Radio CW Operator my skills are still evolving and probably will be forever. I have learned a lot, I can help guide you, help remove most the nervous tension and help you get to the fun side. I answer eMail 3 -4 times daily. If you are serious about getting on the Air using Morse Code and you can commit to 30 minutes a day, them I am Serious about helping you.

Ron Burchell
Maleny. Queensland. Australia



Dirk, PY2UDB - BRA -
As an active volunteer in Scouting, I am currently training young Scouts to become ham operators. I have trained about 20 youngsters to date. In order to make them comfortable at HF and proficient in CW, I have been training these young operators to learn CW and practice making QSOs starting at QRS-10. I would be very happy to serve as a CW Elmer for Brazil. I can be contacted in English, Portuguese, or Dutch.



Fred, VE3FAL - ON -
I've been playing with radio since age 12. I learned morse to copy ship-to-shore stations while a teen and using my grandparents' old shortwave receiver. I started operating ham radio at VE3SEC in high school. From there the bug bit and bit hard. I use Morse code 95 percent of the time and run QRP about the same percentage. I operate portable, mobile, and fixed. I can operate all bands from 160-10 meters. I'm a DEC for Amethyst District ARES, SATERN member and liaison officer for Great Lakes Region, CFARS member, FIST, SKCC, and many other groups. My first love has been and will always be CW. Email me to set up a sked.

Tony, VE2KM - QC -
CW has always been a passion with me and I have been slowly regaining my previous operating speed helped in great part by the CW Academy advisors John AJ1DM, Ted WA3AER, and my class mate Doug N4CQD. I prefer to use a straight key but reluctantly used a paddle and a keyer for the CW Academy sessions. On some occasions I would use the straight key in the session and my sending was always more accurate than with the paddles.

Jay, VY1JA - YT -
Over the period from 1961 to now, I have taught many people how to communicate via CW, including one slow learner who made himself able by sheer determination. You can do this if you really want it. There are tricks to help you learn even if you have a "tin ear". Please contact me if you are as near as just north of Whitehorse, YT, where I live, or as far away as Northern BC, NWT, NU, or AB if you want my help to let you become the CW operator you can imagine yourself becoming. I am retired and can set up schedules to match just about anyone. I send well by hand, always slowing down to the speed of the person on the other end. Almost all of my amateur radio time is spent on CW, and currently with SKCC people and using the SKCC Sked page.



Bernard, F5DE - FRA -
I learned CW at 15 and became F5DE in 1964. I have always done CW traffic by pleasure, more than 90 percent on HF and the most possible on VHF. I am QRV from 3.5 to 28 MHz bands. I use about 50 watts and a GP antenna. This is not a very powerful station but powerful enough to do a good QSO depending on propagation. Generally I can be active around 2100 to 2400 UTC. Do not hesitate to ask me for a sked via an e-mail. I can arrange a date/time for a QSO try. This is also possible when I am connected to the SKCC Sked page.

Bert, F6HKA - FRA -
I've been ham since 1981 and really love CW my main mode of traffic. I use straight keys, bugs, paddle and can help with practice at speeds between 5–30 wpm. As I'm retired I'm very available and connected on sked page almost every day. Don't hesitate to send a PM or an e-mail. I'm QRV on all bands 160-6m but signal must be strong enough on top band as I don't have any RX system.

Gerard, F6EEQ - FRA -



Aric, 4X4PP - ISR -
My name is Aric Native. I have been licensed since 1985. Most of the time I work the CW mode, on 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, and 40 meters. I have time and I am prepared to spent time and help anybody as far as the CW mode is concerned. For practice purposes, I am available between 18:00Z and 22:00z. Please feel free to send me e-mails anytime. Any e-mail received will be answered promptly.



Alex, PA1FOX - NL -
For more than 22 years, I have known CW, but was to scared to use it. Recognize it? Or just started learning? With the help of the SKCC I managed to conquer it and really enjoy CW now. I would like to Elmer any new or old (re-?)starters and can help you with any speed up to 20 wpm with straight key, sideswiper, or paddles. Apart from using radio we can also practice using internet CW if we can not get our signals through. Skeds around 21:30 to 23:00 UTC would be perfect. Please send me a mail if you need help. Plenty of patience and willingness are waiting here for you!


New Zealand

Stan, ZL2BLQ - NZ -
It would be my pleasure to assist newcomers and others develop their confidence in the use of CW. I can be found most days on 14.051 to 14.055 MHz. Best times are 0200-0300 UTC. I will match any slow CW speeds, because accuracy comes before speed.

Neil, ZL1NZ - NZL -


South Africa

Paul, ZS1NN (G8INN) - RSA -
I was off to night school at the age of 14 to take my RAE (radio amateur exam). With a PASS I was issued a Class B license - G8INN - and became active, mostly on 2m A.M. and then SSB. Working with the British Army introduced me to CW. The phrase “use it or lose it” is so true with CW.

In 2003 I started operating on HF with an IC706 MKII and tried my hand at CW. It was not very successful and I could not get my speed up to the level of competence I had previously enjoyed because I had no peers and no training aids. It fell by the wayside! Fast forward to 2020 the “radio bug” bit again. Morse is my preferred mode. I use a straight key and can comfortably tx at 16 to 18wpm. I am committed to the mode and love my straight key.



Rico, PZ5JW - Suriname -
My ham radio bio starts when I tried to enter a model flying club (model planes) and some of the guys were talking about building radio controlled model planes.
I started to build lots of radio's and Amplifiers, I even built a radio to listen for fishermen on the sea.
So when I finished school, I started to work as a cook in a Hotel (Hotel Torarica). During holiday, me and a group of college friends, we take a boat and go down stream at the Saramacca river, a trip that takes two days, when we passes the Maroon village we hear them beating on the drums, so when we stopped at the last village the chief ask us to make our camp 500 meters downstream, and he send a little boy to guide us.
The next Morning we hear the drums again, so I ask the little guide what is the meaning of the drums, he listen and said UNCLE NICO IS DEAD. At that moment I stepped in the boat alone and go back to the village.
The first person I met I asked what is happened here She said uncle Nico is dead.
This kept me awake for days until weeks so I decide to learn the code.
A few weeks later, I walked into town and I heard a radio noise and a man was talking with a high voice so I stopped and listened. And that was the QTH from the late PZ1AC. I am so proud of this man he taught me a lot about Radio.
During a period of independence of Suriname I moved to Holland.
There I got my Novice, and I started to learn the Morse code. There was an elderly man who lived alone so I give him the key of my house and he could enter when he wants. So he heard me and my friend practicing Morse. He told us to stop direct. He started to teach us the old military way COUNTING!!!!
His teaching started around 1980 and until now I have the privilege to teach lot of people and all passed the exam for Morse code.
Since 1980, I became addicted to the code, until this day.
Right now I am back home in PZ- Land and I can work from 30, 40 and 20 meters.
Today I will start to build my Hex beam.
I am retired as an Electrical engineer
73 Rico


United Kingdom

Mike, GM5AUG - Scotland -

I was first licensed in 2012 and began learning CW shortly afterwards, with twice-weekly on air training sessions run by Jonathan G0DVJ. Fast-forward a few years and, when I moved to Scotland, I took the RSGB's 12, 15 and 20wpm Morse Code Proficiency Tests and am in the process of being recognised as a RSGB Morse Assessor. I've got a reasonable station and am QRV on most HF bands, although my current licence limits me to 50w input power. Hopefully I'll get my full licence in a little while and will be able to run 100w. I'd be delighted to arrange a sked, either QRS (slow) or any speed up to approx. 25wpm! Just drop me an email or, if you see me on the SKCC Sked Page, send me a message.


Banner photos courtesy of Ron Bower, AC2C, and Pete Spotts, WB5BUP.