War Of the Worlds in progressive morse code format The first chapter is at 10 words per minute. Each following chapter gets 1 word per minute faster. So chapter 2 is at 11 words per minute, and so forth. There are 27 chapters to the book, so by the end the code speed is 36 words per minute. Files are arranged in a 6 digit sequence corresponding to Book Number, Chapter Number and File Number. So: 010515.MP3 is Book one, Chapter 5, File 15. All text files are numbered using the same system. Book one contains 430 audio files. Book two contains 201 audio files. This book was copied directly from the Project Gutenberg website and is in the public domain. More information is available at: http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page and on the complete text file contained with this work. Translation was done by software, not by hand. 73, John Dunlap KF7BYU SKCC #6666 (With a fist that's 6 times worse than the devil himself) P.S.- Text files correspond to the audio files in the same number order. On the full text version of each chapter there are notations that look like this: (15) these numbers cross index the audio and text files and were not part of the original work. If you want to contact me, here's my e-mail address: JWDunlap2@Verizon.Net This book is given in good faith as a conversion from the original text. All rights belong to the USER. If it is broken for any reason, you may keep both halves. To do: Create a html based GUI for browsing the text files and to embed a MP3 player into the book. I'll get to it.