This translation of "The Enchanted Typewriter" into progressive morse code was done using text provided through the Project Gutenberg at Http:// . The original text is provided as part of this adapation. The first chapter is sent at 15 words per minute and each following chapter is sent at one word per minute faster, so chapter 2 is 16 words per minute, and so forth. The translation was done by computer, not by hand. All rights to this work reside with the USER, so if you break it for any reason, you may keep both halves. More works will be provided upon request by the ham who did the conversions at: JWDunlap2@Verizon.Net. Any requests MUST be for works in the public domain, or they must be accompanied by proper royalty-use permissions. 73, John Dunlap KF7BYU SKCC #6666 (with a fist that's 6 times worse than the devil himself)